Wednesday, September 1, 2010

At long last.. I’ve arrived in La Paz!

The flights to get here were quite hectic, but through some luck, help from the rents and pretty much a miracle, I made the 12 am flight from Miami to La Paz and arrived in the city around 7am on Sunday the 28th. The airport is in El Alto and as we drove down to the heart of La Paz we had the most amazing view of the city!

Everyone was a bit delirious from the altitude, however, after a strong cup of mate de coca we rallied and went on an incredible tour of the city…
Another view of La Paz from Killi-Killi

Inside a store at the Witch Market (the box is full of llama fetuses)

Some political graffiti

At the end of the tour we stopped at a book fair and outside were several performances.

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